This Movement Is For You If...

(The Healer Within resides within each and every one of us. Not just in those who have a special calling.)

  • You Know in Your Bones That the Marketing Fads (Scares) Telling You What it Means to Be Healthy Are Not Working for You, But You Don't Know What Else to Do

  • You Are Ready to Work With Healthcare Practitioners as a Co-Creator of Your Health & Well-Being

  • You Are Ready to See the Aches, Pains and Illnesses of Your Body as Vital Information

  • You Long to Feel More Present & Connected to Yourself & Something Greater

  • You Sense There is More Purpose & Meaning to Your Life Than You Are Currently Living

  • You Want to Be Brave Enough to Get to the Root of What is Not Working in Your Life & Why So You Can Discover the True Healing and Growth That is Possible for You

  • You Are Ready to Get Off the Hamster Wheel of Knowing That Something Needs to Change, But Not Being Able to Make That Shift Alone

Can you imagine what it would be like to trust your own body?

We live in expert-driven times where how we take care of ourselves is based on the “expert” opinion of another person. Where we’re so detached from our own bodies and their messages that we need somebody else outside of us to interpret them, and tell us what we need. This might look like all the internet searches you do to try and figure out what’s happening in your body…Or it might look like going from specialist to specialist trying endless, invasive procedures to “fix” what’s wrong with you.

This leaves us disempowered and disconnected from ourselves and the wisdom contained within our bodies. We become reliant upon outside sources to be able to take care of ourselves and to know what we need. And we pathologize the messages our bodies are trying to send us; making it the goal to “shut them up” as quickly as possible.

We do this because we don’t know any other way. We don’t know how to care for ourselves in a skilled and satisfying manner. We don’t know how to co-create healing with our health practitioners. And we definitely don't know how to claim the inner strength and sovereignty of being a woman who knows herself and what she needs beyond what she has been told and sold.

Women Are The Life-Bringers

We are naturally, without needing any formal training, the healers, the mid-wives and the ones who pass the ancient healing and life-giving ways on to our families, friends and communities. We are the ones who hold the knowledge that create the sustaining rituals and nourishments that honor real human needs and the magnificence and capacity of the human spirit.

But in this day and age, many of us are disconnected from this inner knowing, leaving us unable to help ourselves or those we love in ways that reflect what we are truly capable of both individually and collectively.

What You Can Expect

We explore what it really takes to be healthy, to heal and to live a life that makes sense to you. Concepts we hear a lot about these days, but maybe don’t really know what they mean or how to get there. That's why we "get there" by focusing on simple, accessible and timeless concepts and practices that put you in the position of knowing yourself inside and out, helping you to ask and answer the big questions in Life: What is health? What does it mean to heal? What does it take to thrive as a human being? 

Topics you can expect us to work with include:

  • Mindfulness
  • Nervous System Regulation
  • Symptoms as Messengers
  • Energy Healing
  • The Breath as Medicine
  • Healing Rituals
  • The Power of the Mind
  • What the Body Actually Needs 
  • Intuition
  • And More...

Best of all, this is not another information dump. Your ability to tap into you and what you need most in life must be an embodied experience. Which is why we will be practicing and experimenting with different techniques and perspectives to give you a chance to see what works best for you. That exploration will include going from what is physical and practical to what is magical and mystical.

After each gathering, you will receive an audio recording and other resources to support your continued exploration over the next month to help you make the teachings and the techniques your own. Taken together, these are lessons in living that you can apply in your own life and then bring to your loved ones.

We gather live virtually, from January to June, on the last Thursday of each month from 6:30-8pm EST. Come for a month or the whole series. In each session, we cover a foundational topic to support you in becoming your own Healer Within: The one who knows how to heal herself and then pass that healing on into the world. 

Preview The Course

    1. Welcome To The Healer Within

    2. Making The Most of The Healer Within

    3. The Healer Within Begins Within

    4. The Three Principles Video

    5. The Three Principles Written

    6. An Introduction To The Archetypes

    7. Paradigm Exploration: Changing Your Beliefs

    8. The Healer Within Embodiment Manifesto

    1. Access Our Private Community Chat Here

    2. Relevant Health & Healing Articles From My Weekly Blog

    3. One-on-One Support Work With Susan

    4. Common Sense Approaches for When You're Sick

    5. Simple Do-Able Recipes for Health & Well-Being

    6. Ensuring a Good Fit With Your Healing Practitioner

    7. Practitioner Page

    8. Creating Your Own Medicine Bag: DIY Health & Healing

    9. Book Recommendations

    1. Principle One: You Must Be In Your Body Video

    2. The Hermit Archetype Video

    3. The Hermit Archetype Written

    4. You Cannot Trust A Body You Are Not In Video Experience

    5. Space Hygiene 101

    6. A Sacred Personal Space Exploration

    7. Live Session Recording

    8. Slides From Live Gathering Session I

    9. Session One: Companion Audio

    10. Session Overview: Space, Being in Your Body, The Hermit & Radical Personal Responsibility

    11. Pertinent Resources

    1. Principle One: Being In Your Body (Even When It Hurts)

    2. Thinking About Your Body is Not The Same As Being In Your Body

    3. The Healer Archetype Video

    4. The Healer Archetype Written

    5. Chiron Audio & Exercise

    6. Presence & Surrender Video

    7. A Personal Exploration of Mindfulness

    8. Live Session Recording

    9. Slides From Live Gathering Session II

    10. Session Two: Companion Audio

    11. Session Overview: Presence, Being in Your Body, The Healer & Surrender

    12. Pertinent Resources

    1. Principle Two: Learning the Language of Your Body Part 1

    2. The Mother Archetype Video

    3. The Mother Archetype Written

    4. Tending To Your Body's Basic Needs Part 1

    5. Tending To Your Body's Basic Needs Part 2 Video

    6. Body Basics Specific Tips

    7. Tending to Your Body's Basics Additional Support Written

    8. Live Session Recording

    9. Slides From Live Gathering Session III

    10. Session Three Audio Companion: The Breath

    11. Session Overview: Honoring The Body's Basics, Language of The Body, The Mother, Unconditional Love & Acceptance

    12. Pertinent Resources

    1. Principle Two: Learning The Language Of The Body Part 2

    2. The Alchemist Archetype Video

    3. The Alchemist Archetype Written

    4. Creating a Provings Journal

    5. When Something Isn't Resolving

    6. The Mind: Reminder & Tips

    7. Live Session Recording

    8. Slides From Live Gathering IV

    9. Session Four Companion Audio: Being With the Language of the Body

    10. Session Four Companion Audio: Thought Labelling

    11. Session Overview: Mending The Mind, Language of The Body, The Alchemist & Patience

    12. Pertinent Resources

About this course

  • $275.00

Are you feeling the call?

Join this movement of women who are deciding to live well as their greatest contribution to the world.

Why I Created The Healer Within

Your Guide & Fellow Traveler

Susan McNamara

Thirty-five years ago my own journey into The Healer Within began. It came in the form of a simple, but profound knowing: "There has got to be more to Life than how I am living, what I am being told, and what I have come to believe." All these decades later, I am here saying to you, "There is."

What I have to offer you is my personal experience, the trainings I have undertaken, the way I live my life, my commitment to service and the ongoing learnings I continue to do. 

Specifically, I am a Certified Holistic Health Counselor, Professional-Level Kripalu Yoga Teacher, Shamanic Practitioner and Journeydance Guide. I am trained in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Somatics and Energy Medicine. I hold a Masters in Counseling Psychology and am trained and educated at the doctoral level in Clinical Psychology. For almost twenty years, I taught the college course Relaxation Techniques at Westfield State University. 

I continue to learn in the areas of shamanism, somatics, food as medicine, creating medicinals from the land, as well as exploring timeless Universal healing practices and principles.

I wrote the book, Trusting Your Body: The Embodied Journey of Claiming Sacred Responsibility for Your Health & Well-Being and write the weekly blog Medicine4ThePeople.

Go to for more information.

"Believe it or not, the largest contribution you will ever make to your Life and to the Lives of those around you, is how well you know and care for yourself."

What's Included

  • Monthly Live Virtual Gatherings

    We gather live in the virtual space on the last Thursday of the month from 6:30-8 pm EST, January through June, to explore topics, experiences and sacred rituals that support the movement towards who you are and what you are capable of. Recordings will be available .

  • Downloadable Resources

    Each month you will receive written and audio support based on the topic covered in the live session to help you navigate your journey into health, healing and greater sovereignty.

  • Resource Library

    You have open access to monthly recordings, emails, a resource library and a community forum to help you get the support you need to dive as deeply as you desire.

  • Members Discounts

    Discounts are available on all of my other in-person and virtual programs so that together we can continue to build a movement that is worthy of the preciousness of our lives.

2024 Live Virtual Gathering Schedule

We meet live on Zoom on the last Thursday of each month, from January to June, from 6:30-8 pm EST. Can't make it? Recordings will be available.


January 25, 2024

February 29, 2024

March 28, 2024

April 25, 2024

May 30, 2024

June 27, 2024


  • Are you suggesting that I don't use doctors or other health care professionals?

    Absolutely not. We all need outside health support. The focus of The Healer Within is to help you become more connected to the intelligence and healing capacities that reside within you so that you can make health decisions in alignment with that. No matter what you choose.

  • Who is this for?

    This supportive healing community is for those ready to embrace a more life-affirming, healthy, value-driven, connected way of living and relating. It is for those who are open to the possibility that the body is intelligent, symptoms and difficulties in Life are messengers, everything is connected and our lives have meaning.

  • How will I access the program?

    This community is based online. In order to join you will create a free Thinkific account and then login to access our calls and any of the content. Once you register for the membership, you will have instant access.

  • What are the technical requirements?

    To join us, you will need internet access and audio capabilities.

  • What do I do if I need technical assistance?

    Please contact Thinkific support at for technical questions and Susan directly for content questions. Susan's email address is [email protected]

  • What if I can't make a monthly class?

    All recordings will be available to you at any time for the duration of your membership.

What People Are Saying

  • Amy S. East Longmeadow, MA

    I was interested in learning more about the topic of self-care when I heard about The Healer Within. During the program, my interpretation of how to take care of myself shifted from seeing self-care as a very "surface, big picture" notion that mostly meant more exercise and more meditation - which I was struggling to do, to a much simpler and easier way to be in my life. Sue is an incredibly gifted instructor who combines her expertise, kindness and compassion for all people. The space was supportive and incredibly judgement free.

  • Carol M., Westhampton, MA

    Because I was dealing with a major stress event in my life, I reached out to Susan as I have many times in the past for the valuable teaching she has offered to me. I wanted to learn more about the language of my body and I needed to develop some better habits of taking care of myself. When considering The Healer Within, I was inspired by the prospect of learning about the ‘language of my body’ in order to be able to collaborate with medical providers in taking care of myself, rather than simply expecting them to fix whatever seemed to need fixing. This program provided me with experiences that have helped me to understand what my body was telling me about what it needed. From Day 1 of our Healer Within classes I learned how important it was for me to SLOW DOWN.

  • Sue S., Holyoke, MA

    I have known Susan for many years. I was introduced to her through a mutual friend. Susan is the most warm, intuitive, generous, down to earth person I’ve ever met. The time I spend with her is enlightening, peaceful and inspiring. She holds that gift of being able to listen and share in the most effective ways. So glad we have crossed paths in this life.

Not ready to join just yet?

But you'd like support around how to better care for yourself?

Visit for audio resources, written materials, workshops and more.